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Green card UK drivers post Brexit

‘Green card’ won’t apply to UK drivers post Brexit

by constructaquote - 20 June 2018


UK motorists won’t be obliged to obtain ‘Green Card’ documents from insurers to enable them to drive on EU roads.

In a recent letter to BIBA (British Insurance Brokers’ Association), the Department for Transport (DfT) has confirmed that the UK will remain part of the Green-free circulation area to ensure that the UK meets the requirements for third-party vehicle Insurance.

The UK’s status within the Green Card scheme will effectively be the same as other non-EU states that are part of the surrounding area such as Switzerland, Andorra and Serbia.  The same is also set to apply for any drivers or hauliers from EU countries who wish to drive in the UK.

A Green Card is a document which allows motorists to drive across other countries and also provides evidence that a vehicle is insured. Many countries no longer require a green card, but taking one can often make things easier in the event of a claim or when exchanging details with another driver or the authorities.

The Green Card system is currently done through paper format and can’t be delivered electronically. Every vehicle has to have a separate certificate and often the time required to create and deliver these can make last-minute journeys difficult.

The DfT has made agreements with the Council of Bureaux (who are in charge of the Green Card system) who have also confirmed its ability to meet any claims made across the border involving UK drivers.

Association Executive Director of BIBA, Graeme Trudgill said: “Without such an agreement drivers would be faced with increased bureaucracy and delays at borders and insurance brokers would need to have in place mechanisms to physically issue 2.5m Green Cards every year”.

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