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5 Things Business Owners Should Stop Doing Right Now – with Lyndon Wood

by constructaquote - 5 April 2017


In this video, Constructaquote Founder and serial entrepreneur Lyndon Wood discusses the 5 things that business owners should stop doing right now.

Scroll down for the video, or read on for a summary of Lyndon’s advice…

  1. Over Networking

If you’re going to go to breakfast meetings, make sure they are going to add value for you. Not the business meetings that are just full of business development people trying to sell to each other. Pick the right networking meeting.

2. Over Complicating Things

Keep your business simple, easy and straight forward. Remember the Rube Goldberg Mouse Trap? That ball going around just for the cage to drop on the ball at the end – it was just over complicated – just put the cage on the ball in the first place.

3. Mentors

I’m sick to death of people saying “I’ve got a mentor” , you know what? Most of them are just useless. They’ve a book, or they’ve got some degree, or they’ve done something small in business and then they feel they can call themselves a mentor charge you £500 a day. The truth is, it you’re going to pay £500 a day, don’t bother, save the money. Because a good mentor will charge you a lot more than £500 a day. In fact, if you want a mentor, go and get them for free. The likes of me do exist in the world and you can tweet us, Facebook us, you can meet us and ask us the questions.

4. Over Consuming Information

Over consuming information is a dangerous trap. We’re in a world of content, between video, documentaries, blogs, magazines, tv – we’re just over consuming. It’s disabling. It disables your mind and in turn disables your business and that’s not a good thing.

5. Doing Nothing – JUST ACT!

The worst thing you can do , is do nothing. So whatever you learn, from somebody, or from content or some research – act on it. Identify how it applies to your business and make sure you go an do it.
