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Facebook Marketing Dos And Donts

Infographic: Do’s And Don’ts For Facebook Marketing

by constructaquote - 22 March 2017


Facebook has millions of users, but many businesses find it hard to use Facebook to increase brand awareness. With the right strategy, Facebook can become an essential part of marketing, conversation, and customer-service strategies.

To help you make sense of Facebook, and start using if correctly, here’s our tips to help you produce results.

Do: Optimize Images

The use of visual content on Facebook produces 65% more user engagement, making optimized images an important factor of social media marketing. Try changing cover images every 6-8 weeks, add links to content images to drive traffic and create multimedia posts.

Don’t: Automate Everything

Only 20% of your content should be automated, this content should be made up of updates, broadcasts, and sales. The other 80% of content will be anything that is entertaining for the consumer, such as industry news, videos and memes.

Do: Analyse Activity

How can you improve your social media strategy, without fully understanding how your post are performing? Use tools to track URLs to identify which posts are driving traffic to the website. For Page-specific data that helps you track engagement rates, use Facebook insights.

Don’t: Over Post

Don’t overwhelm your customers by over posting. In fact, studies suggest, companies that over post receive 60% fewer interactions. Spend time producing high-quality content, that your audience will find newsworthy.

If you have any questions about Facebook, click “live chat” on our website and one of the team will be happy to help.
