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top tips for staying safe at a construction site

Staying safe on a construction site

by constructaquote - 1 June 2016


Building sites come in all shapes and sizes from a large construction compound to a home’s conservatory conversion. But it doesn’t matter how big or small the project, the risks workers face on these sites remain the same.

So, here are our 5 top tips to help anyone who is new to the building trade, keep clear of danger:

1) Protect your head & feet 

It may not be the greatest gift to fashion, but a big yellow hat can really be the difference between life and death on a construction site. Accidents can occur in so many different ways so if you’re not wearing the right personal protection equipment (PPE) or safety equipment, such as a hard hat and steel toe cap boots, you’re putting yourself at risk. (Although chances are if you’re not wearing these items in the first place you’ll be kicked off-site before you can say ‘high-vis’)

2) Be aware of your surroundings 

It’s always vital to stay alert to what is going on around you. More accidents happen on a construction site when people aren’t aware of potential hazards surrounding them. Always be on your guard against falling bricks and other building materials that can topple and cause you injury.

3) Watch out for your tools

Heavy machinery and power tools can be lethal on a building site. When using power tools, it’s a good idea to wear additional protective clothing such as gloves and safety glasses. Ear plugs should also be worn when using extremely loud machinery to avoid long-term damage to hearing. Finally, it’s important to check that your tools are in good condition and that safety guards are still in working order.

4) Be careful of large heavy vehicles

Each year within the construction industry, approximately ten people die as a result of being struck by heavy vehicles. In addition, there are hundreds of preventable accidents and injuries. Often the drivers of these machines are unable to see fully, so if you go near them when they’re in motion you run the risk of being seriously injured.

5) Have a safety plan

In recent years there has been a rapid growth in the amount of health and safety legislation to protect workers on building sites. Managers and supervisors have a large responsibility for ensuring safety. There should always be an emergency plan should any accidents happen as well as the appropriate first aid equipment available on site. Build up some basic first aid knowledge so you’re able to deal with any injuries should they occur.

Want to find out more about Risk Assessments? Check out our blog here.
