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The cost of owning your own van

by constructaquote - 3 February 2018


Every Tradesperson knows the importance of having a reliable van, but are you aware of the long term costs associated with running the vehicle as well as the upfront buying costs?

Turns out, vans can be pretty pricey when factoring in all of the monthly and annual costs. Checkout this infographic…

Have you got the right van insurance? Would you and your business be able to cope if an expensive claim was made against you? At constructaquote.com , we’ve been insuring tradespeople for over 25 years. Find out more about our van policies by clicking here


The ins and outs of insurance for vans

If you have a van, it needs to be insured. The law is unequivocal on that score and makes it a requirement even if the van is parked and kept off road – unless you have obtained an official statutory off road notification confirming that you are not going to be using it.

Whatever the temptation to cut corners and duck this legal requirement, it is likely to come at a high price and one to be ignored at your peril. The law imposes stiff penalties if you are the keeper of a vehicle that does not have the legal minimum of third party insurance. If that vehicle is being driven whilst uninsured, the penalties are even stiffer.

So, you decide to play by the game and arrange cover for your van. That leaves you with the decision of whether to restrict the level of insurance to the legal minimum of third party cover only or seek to provide the greater protection of third-party, fire and theft or fully comprehensive insurance.
